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ExcelAnalyzer 2023


This article will show you how to free download and install ExcelAnalyzer 3.4.3 on your PC. Follow the steps and download the ExcelAnalyzer V3.4.3.

Table of contents

  • About the software
  • ExcelAnalyzer v3.4.3 System Requirements
  • How to Download and Install ExcelAnalyzer v3.4.3
  • Files required

The software

Don’t risk your spreadsheets. Instead, make sure to check them and fix any errors. Stop wasting Time & Money by checking your spreadsheets manually cell by cell.

World’s strongest Excel Add-in, for reviewing and rectifying spreadsheets. You can make better decisions and feel 100% confident that your spreadsheets will be error-free.

Research has shown that 95% percent of spreadsheets contain errors, while 95% believe their Spreadsheets to be error-free.

Spreadsheets are easier to use and you can save time. Excel models will be error-free.

ExcelAnalyzer does far more than just checking formulas, it’s about discovering the full DNA of the spreadsheet and checks:

ExcelAnalyzer is a powerful tool that allows you to analyze Excel data.

  • Gain a complete understanding of even the most complex Excel models
  • ExcelAnalyzer checks spreadsheets for formulas as well as intersheet and external links
  • ExcelAnalyzer lists all hardcoded formulas, potential errors, hidden data and much more
  • Find and visualize the inconsistencies in formulae.
  • You can save hours of manual cell-by-cell checking time and money.
  • Extensive formula analysis
  • Inconsistent formulas
  • Formulas with constants
  • Reporting Excel errors
  • Intersheet and external formulas
  • Array formulas
  • Nested if Formulas
  • Hidden data
  • Hidden cells
  • Hidden Columns & Rows
  • Hidden tabs, and very hidden tabs
  • VBA Code
  • Pivot Tables
  • Validation of Data
  • Modifications

ExcelAnalyzer v3.4.3 System Requirements

  • Operating system: Windows 11 and Windows 10; Windows 8.1 and Windows 7

How To Download and Install ExcelAnalyzer Version 3.4.3

  1. Once you have finished downloading the files required, click the download button. Depending upon your download speed, it may take anywhere from a few seconds to several hours.
  2. Extract the downloaded files. See this article if you are unsure how to extract. QWERTY will always be the password to extract.

  3. Start Setup.exe to install the software