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Is Node Js Good For Backend Or Is It A Gimmick?

Its event-based nature simplifies the development start and boosts the performance making it a suitable choice for real-time applications (via Socket.io). Kotlin is another reliable cross-platform programming language that is usually used to build client and server-side of Android applications. Although Kotlin was introduced in 2011 as an advanced alternative to Java, but you can interwork with Java. This fast development doesn’t only save time but also reduces the time to market and programming costs. On the contrary, it is also seamless to scale and update data of C Sharp applications. It allows businesses to update apps with new data and remove old data.

php vs javascript backend

However, the following commonalities and differences are observed. PHP stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, which is an open source scripting language. It is a server-side scripting language and a powerful tool for creating a dynamic and interactive website. According to another survey conducted in 2021, Node.js was ranked the second most used web development tech stack, giving way only to HTML as the top frequently used technology.

Suitable Databases

PHPNode.jsUsed in developing CPU-intensive applications like meteorology applications and scientific applications. PHPNode.jsFor versions prior to 5.4, LAMP and XAMPP(acronym for Cross-platform, Apache, MariaDB, PHP) servers had to be setup. It allows users to declare the libraries on which the project depends and it will manage (install/update) them for user. “They follow an agile methodology and work with the client daily to ensure the app runs properly.”

  • Despite that’s only a year younger and is on the core tech of WWW the real competition with PHP started only since its diverse library popularization.
  • Indeed, fully administered and remote servers lower the cost of companies that they invest in server maintenance and upgrades.
  • PHP has a long history to back it up while NodeJS has gained from extreme popularity.
  • This typing approach also backs generic classes and polymorphic methods.

PHP development is utilized further by the Fortune 500 companies for their desktop applications, real-time apps and web & mobile apps. It is an open source server framework and a complete package of Google’s V8 JavaScript engine, with a libuv platform abstraction layer and a core library written in JavaScript. It is ideal to work using a framework when creating a server-side application. Developers can write structured code that is apt for re-usage which can help in scaling projects with ease. Frameworks support modern development practices like functional programming.

When To Choose Php Then?

Hereof, the elementary methods to deal with errors in PHP 5 are try, catch and throw. By the way, developers can also utilize the feature of error_reporting() according to the level of glitch. Understandable Syntax —The syntax of PHP is very simple and understandable. The simplicity of syntax also keeps developers very comfortable while PHP coding. OOP Support —Ruby comes with complete object-oriented programming support. In this regard, Ruby emphasizes tasks or objects instead of logic and functions.

So, what is a better option for server-side web development — Node.js or Java for backend? To note, Java is a powerful server-side language dominating Android and enterprise computing. Still, Node.js enables developers to have better control over more web aspects. By mixing the Node.js runtime and Chromium rendering engine, the framework enables coders to develop in platform-agnostic web languages. If this is your case and you don’t intend to invest extra resources in teaching your programmers C# (ASP.NET), C++, or Swift, Electron may prove your best companion. According to Techugo, node js development company in the UK, USA, Canada and UAE one can receive high scalability to handle & manage heavy application loads effortlessly.

Since its creation, PHP has become extremely popular and successful – almost 80% of websites are built in PHP, including web giants like Wikipedia, Facebook, Yahoo! PHP is also the language behind the most popular CMS such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, WooCommerce and Shopify. PHP is a universal programming language that allows for building landing pages and simple WordPress websites, but also complex and massively popular web platforms like Facebook. As a result,, Node.js development allows backend web developers to focus on more on building a specific functionality into an application.

Although Node.js is the newer of the two, it is rapidly growing in popularity. If we consider its codebase, over 40% of the current websites on the Internet run PHP. When it comes to speed, both PHP and Node.js have their advantages and disadvantages. When we talk about writing and deploying code, the developer experience with PHP feels faster. As you only need to code the solution and place it in a folder with your PHP files, the platform is well suited for completing a project rapidly.

php vs javascript backend

Developers can easily find help troubleshooting unexpected issues or brainstorming workaround for tricky situations. A CMS built with PHP and MySQL, for example, is intuitive enough that anyone can update content and do basic management tasks after a simple tutorial. In many cases PHP has proved to be a stronger framework but has also had some weaknesses that can affect the development process to a great extent. We have also seen a completely separate section for the advantages in ASP.NET development which consisted of strong points of benefits for the developers.

ASP.NET is an open-source server side web development tool developed by Microsoft. The framework provides web development tools to produce dynamic web pages, web applications and web solutions. ASP.NET frameworks are written in .NET language and support Visual Basic.NET, JavaScript.NET and languages like Python and Perl. The framework also compatible with the previous version ASP.NET MVC. PHP vs NodeJS performance matching results with the slight edge to JS framework.

He set out to find a better solution, ultimately creating the first version of Node.js in 2009. ASP.NET allows threading of codes which allows multiple codes to run at the same time. With ASP.NET you get multiple .NET libraries which is not the case in PHP development. The biggest difference between ASP.NET and PHP is the usage and market share. The chart below clearly shows that PHP has more usage popularity than ASP.NET. The websites built with PHP has been ranked among the Top 10k sites, Top 100k sites and Top 1M sites.


Another benefit of Deno lies in removing the need for a centralized package management system. This is possible because modules are imported straightforwardly by a URL, cashing them if the hosting URL isn’t accessible. Just like Node.js for the back end, Deno gains momentum as more companies and cloud providers opt for this solution.

Both the platforms provide security features to the developers however ASP.NET has built in security features such as SQL injection. In other words, ASP.NET automatically does the work for you whereas PHP only provides you with the tools. However, ASP.NET does have a few cons that may make its popularity a slow process. The framework does have problems when it comes to ease of making changes, documentation gaps, lack of supporting tools and lack of basic features since its too raw.

php vs javascript backend

However, back-end development with Node.js hasn’t always been here to lend a helping hand to coders. There is no doubt that the right tech stack plays an essential role in your project’s success, while making a wrong decision may be a reason for failure. The Switch between different environments and languages is attributed to the drop of efficiency when writing code. Changing between multiple coding languages leads to drop in the efficiency of the programmer. “Brimming with innovative ideas and dependable technical expertise, Techugo meets their client’s development needs and strives to complete their project timelines.”

When To Choose Node Js?

Read on to find out what each does best when it’s the right move to migrate to Node.js, and how to do it. For some purposes PHP is the better tool, but sometimes Node.js has more to https://wizardsdev.com/ offer a particular project. For all we know, the OP was interested in using a services architecture where the PHP portion simply communicated with a service backend written in node.

You can also utilize this feature of Perl with natural languages, XML and HTML. Object-Oriented & Procedural —Whether you want object-oriented or procedural PHP Back-End Engineer job programming, you can find both properties in Perl. It is totally your choice to pick a top-down or bottom-up programming approach for your application.

Beat Competition With Node Js Development

Our apps are often extremely complex and have to deal with lots of data sources that are dynamically delivered to server applications. Thanks to Node.js, their development and maintenance are fast, reliable and robust. Ultimately, these developers deal with everything that’s hidden from view to the users that visit a website or app and provide their data to register or make a purchase from that platform.

As a compiler-based language, C++ is not only fast, but it also has more control over CPU and memory consumption. Howbeit, Perl is not included in the category of popular languages like Java, Ruby, PHP, JS and Python. Developers need to understand several .NET libraries before using this scripting language. Due to garbage collection and JVM functions, Java also consumes more CPU and memory. The graphical user interface builder of Java looks complicated when you compare it with other popular languages. Although it is quick to develop with Ruby, but unluckily, the performance and processing of this language are slow.

In this article, we’ll focus on the backend and guide you through making a choice between Node.js or PHP. They both run the web because they’re the most widely used server-side technologies, and they both can manage apps of any complexity. At the same time, the differences between them are significant as they’re built around different concepts and architectures. PHP is a programming language, while Node.js is a cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. However, both PHP and Node.js are similar solutions in terms of back-end. PHP is also the whole environment and in fact, in many projects, both Node.js and PHP can be used interchangeably.