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Why Every Programmer Should Learn Python

By the way, if you are new to programming, I recommend reading What Is Programming. Also, the most important aspect of programming is the ability to solve problems with code. Python developers are helpful and gladly answer questions in developer forums, such as StackOverflow, Quora, or Reddit. Furthermore, these libraries are super easy to install with one simple shell command.

And businesses across the board are taking a keen interest in Python due to its simplistic and easy-to-read nature. To top it all off, the Python community is a warm, welcoming place for anyone who joins, front and back-end users alike. Python developers are in high demand – not only because the language is so popular and widely used but mostly due to the fact that Python became a solution in many different areas. The python language is one of the most accessible programming languages available because it has simplified syntax and not complicated, which gives more emphasis on natural language. Due to its ease of learning and usage, python codes can be easily written and executed much faster than other programming languages.

This is noticeably true even when compared to other high-level programming languages, such as Java. Python offers a wide range of libraries that can be used across various applications. Libraries are collections of resources that help us streamline application development. Instead of writing every piece of code from scratch, we can use libraries, which contain many pre-written functions and classes.

I mean, it was simple and pragmatic reasons which make Python a better choice than any mystery advantage over R or any other mainstream programming languages like Java, C++, Ruby, or JavaScript. Python is a general-purpose language that has been around for more than 30 years. It is one of the most popular programming languages to date.2021 Stack Overflow survey about the most popular programming languages & technologies. One of the biggest advantages of being such a popular language is the large community that surrounds it. Now in the present day, Python serves so many industries that it would be impossible to name them all here. While it’s seeing huge growth in popularity in the data science field, it’s also widely used across marketing, recruitment, web development, AI and machine learning, game development, graphic design, and many more.

reasons to learn python

The more relevant knowledge you have, the more marketable you are to potential employers. That’s why it would be smart to take the Caltech Post Graduate Program in Data Scienceand Project manager Jobs in Germany, September 2022 flesh out your skillset. The course teaches you data operations in Python, strings, conditional statements, error handling, and the commonly used Python web framework, Django.

Python is extremely versatile, with multiple uses

Another reason why Data scientists love Python is the Jupyter Notebook, which allows you to code and collaborate with other Data Scientists using a web browser. Jupyter Notebook was born from IPython, an interactive command-line terminal for Python. You don’t need to learn how NumPy works or how Pandas works, as long as you can get your Data clean, apply some mathematical formulas, run some statistical equation you are happy with. One of the primary jobs of Data scientists is to analyze the Data, and in the real-world Data comes in all shapes.

reasons to learn python

With a solid grasp of HTML markup language, you’ll be able to design websites. And if you want to be more versatile as a developer in web and software development, command-line projects, and data analysis, learn Python. StackOverflow’s 2020 survey named Python the most wanted programming language by developers. More and more devs see the value in Python and 12 Best Practices for Cloud Adoption BMC Software Blogs are looking to learn to meet the enormous glut in demand for Python programmers wanted by employers worldwide. R was long considered the gold standard for data science programming languages, but Python has emerged as a serious contender for R’s crown. Python is dynamically and strongly typed, helping detect any errors you’ve made quickly and painlessly.

High demand = high salaries for Python developers

Python also ranked #3 in Stack Overflow’s most loved programming language by developers in 2020, after Rust and TypeScript. Python is used as an easier and more efficiently-written alternative to languages that perform similar functionalities like C, R, and Java. Therefore Python is growing in popularity as the primary language for many applications. Watch the video below that will help you understand the top 10 Software development articles for dummies programming. You also have TensorFlow, Sci-kit, PyTorch, which provide some Scientific and Machine learning capability and continuously being enhanced and updated by talented people around the world.

  • What his customers don’t know is that my friend has to work around the clock to achieve this high productivity, which allows him to make a reasonably decent living and keep customers happy.
  • Stack Overflow has a vibrant community of people asking and answering Python questions and it’s a good place to get help.
  • If your code has references to an outdated object, the garbage collector is unable to release the memory taken by the object.
  • What’s more, the Python community offers support at every level, from the beginner to the advanced, enabling even the most experienced to leverage advanced features of the language.

And it is the center of huge universe of wonderful third-party libraries. The more companies and people using Python the more resources are built around it helping developers to complete complicated tasks without many coding difficulties. With its near-perfection beauty, Python is named one of the top-picked programming languages of most universities and industries. What makes it irresistible is its broad applications to other fields and limitless possibilities to create amazing things out of scratch. While programming is often misinterpreted as a solo-sport, one of the greatest tools a programmer will ever have is the support of their community. Thanks to online forums, local meet-ups, and the open source community, programmers continue to learn from and build on the success of their predecessors.

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With Python, you can experiment different forms of software development, such as web development or game development before deciding which you want to focus on. To make it simple for the developer, Python needs a lot of memory space; this can be a tad problematic if you want to develop apps where you need to optimize memory. In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But you can learn enough to write your first short program in a matter of minutes. Developing mastery of Python’s vast array of libraries can take months or years.

One of the similarities between Python and Java (or C#) is the number of open-source libraries, frameworks, and modules available to do whatever you want to do. What would have taken me hours to write in PHP, took me much less time to write with the combination of Python and Flask? I also felt that my code was much faster and I could also reuse a lot of the utility functions I had already available from previous desktop Python projects. So, if you are still trying to decide on which programming language you should learn first, give Python some serious considerations and thoughts. Believe me, in the process you’ll have a lot of fun too, as you’ll not only learn, but feel productive right away. When delving into a new programming language, the first thing I tend to do is to learn the syntax and check if there are any similarities to what I already know.

For machine learning, data science and web application development in particular, Python developers receive a great salary that increases with experience. All in all, Python application developers are in high demand, and professionals worldwide are handsomely rewarded for skills. Python has an easy and simplified syntax like English, making the code very easy to read and understand. Every programming language has two important components, the codes and syntax, and both are simpler and easier in Python. Moreover, efficient syntax supports faster programming with Python, enabling a shorter development process.

reasons to learn python

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at one of the fastest-growing and most in-demand programming languages. More specifically, we’ll cover why you should definitely learn Python in 2022, and how long it takes to master it. Python is a versatile and in-demand language that is one of the easiest programming languages to learn. As a matter of fact, one of the main reasons Python was built is to create a beginner-friendly language that is easy to read and quick to learn. His goal was to build a programming language that is both easy to learn and could be used everywhere. Furthermore, programming languages were hard to learn due to their complex syntax.

Python makes the experience of writing software easier and enjoyable. Another beautiful feature of Python is Data Extraction or Web Scraping. It is a process to retrieve and organize data from different sources on the web and turn them into valuable ones. Also, web scrapers are convenient for machine learning projects, data retrieval, SEO ranking, marketing and sales campaigns, e-commerce data collection, etc. It can be discouraging for new programmers to sift through all the necessary syntax of other languages before they can perform their first simple task.

Enormous community and huge range of libraries and frameworks 🔗

Over 20,000 developers participated from more than 150 different countries to help in mapping out an accurate, up-to-date landscape of the Python community. And to understand deeper its scope and benefits more, here are the Top 7 uses of Python. Python’s GIL and threading limitations will affect you if you use Python’s most popular implementation, CPython. As such, you might stay away from GIL if you plan on implementing multithreading and concurrency in your program.

However, as they’re less developed, they may come with a steeper learning curve and little community support. There’s also a lack of Python user interface libraries, which makes it difficult to achieve a good user experience in Python mobile apps. Python’s unique traits aren’t easily transferable to other programming languages. Whether you learn Python before or after you’ve learned other languages, expect to encounter some unique qualities that are specific to Python. Python is slow in performance when compared to other high-level programming languages. Python takes a hit for performance as a tradeoff for features that have their own merits.