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Why You Should Be Celebrating Sobriety Milestones

When I first got sober, I celebrated 30 days and every continuous month for my first year. Initially, I would mark those anniversaries with chips from 12-step meetings and celebrate with friends. Nine and a half years later, I still celebrate every single year I am in recovery, and I have no plans to change that. It means an individual has to wake up and make the right choice every day.

Sober Ways to Celebrate Sobriety

Some people struggle with remaining sober for years, but most will arrive a point where they feel like they have their addiction under control. If this happens to you or a loved one, it’s a great opportunity to celebrate the struggle that has gotten you (or them) to the point where it no longer feels like a daily effort. It’s likely your friend or a family member has certain dates that are important to them, like the day they entered treatment or their six-month sobriety anniversary. These dates can be used to personalize gift items like jewelry, plaques and journals, making them more intentional. Something as subtle as an engraved ring could mean a lot to your friend, as it serves as a constant reminder of how far they’ve come.

Fun Ways to Celebrate Sobriety

These can be occasions you share with family and friends, which can deepen bonds and create a feeling of gratitude for the place your relationships are at now that you are in recovery from addiction. These milestones can also serve as the inspiration for others who are working on their sobriety. A challenge in finding new ideas to celebrate sobriety is looking for opportunities that don’t involve alcohol or drugs. When most Americans celebrate major milestones, be it an engagement, a job promotion, a vacation or a win by their favorite sports team, alcohol is usually involved. You’ll need to take some simple steps to ensure that you’re celebrating around safe and supportive friends who are in favor of your continued sobriety.

These meetings can offer an important support system from other people who have been through the same problems of addiction. In the beginning, it might be helpful to attend more than one meeting per day, especially if you have large chunks of time in your schedule when you have nothing to do. Your celebration doesn’t have to be a big shindig — just gather a few friends together and go to a nice restaurant. It might be a good idea to call the restaurant https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/why-does-alcohol-cause-bruising/ ahead of time to request that the wait staff doesn’t offer any alcoholic drinks to your party and that they remove the drink lists from the table. When making this request, ask to speak with the manager who will be on duty the night of your celebration. If your friends want to bring alcohol, ask yourself if you’re comfortable with setting boundaries for their drinking, such as limiting it to outside of your presence, or while you’re asleep.

What to Say to Someone on Their Sobriety Anniversary

Many organizations offer support to people struggling with addiction who can’t afford rehabilitation costs. Donating is a nice gesture that gives back to the community and helps others still making progress toward sobriety. Often, a person who reaches a sobriety anniversary knows how lucky they are to have their support system.

What do sober people do to socialize?

Sober socializing can include trips to coffee shops, theaters and other entertainment venues that do not serve alcohol. While it may not be possible to avoid all incidents of exposure to alcohol or drugs, minimizing this contact is a great way to maintain sobriety for most recovering addicts.

Celebrating your sobriety milestones doesn’t have to be a huge to-do (although it certainly can be!). Whatever enables you to feel proud of yourself and grateful for the second chance you’ve been given is a beautiful, wholesome way to commemorate the day. Sobriety milestones should be celebrated because they are a recognition of the challenges you’ve faced and continue to face and all the ones you’ve overcome. They offer the chance to reflect on your story and experiences, to give back in ways you couldn’t before and to treasure the people in your life who made it possible. It is common to have friends and family that just don’t understand or recognize your hard work and achievements along your sobriety journey.

Why celebrate a sobriety milestone?

This really depends on which part of the country you live in and what season you’re in. Of course, you can always travel out of state if you have the financial means to do so. If you come home from treatment on how to celebrate 1 year sober medication, you will also need to immediately follow up with your general medical practitioner to update them on your treatment. This will help ensure that there aren’t any gaps in your medical treatment.

  • Also, if you participate(d) in a recovery support group during or after treatment, you might want to celebrate with them.
  • If you’ve got a tight-knit support group, why not organize a fun get-together to celebrate sobriety?
  • Spend some time doing things you love – hiking, camping, running, swimming, making music, crafting or even walking around your neighborhood.
  • When you’ve made the decision to cut out alcohol, every day is something to be proud of.

However, readjusting your life to avoid alcohol or drugs while you’re recovering from addiction can be a challenge — especially during an event like a party. Celebrating sobriety milestones is a reminder of the positive effect that your decision has made on your life. At times, there are struggles that are faced with sobriety in the form of cravings for the substance or emotional, physical, or mental challenges. It’s important to take time to recognize that during those hard moments, you were able to continue pursuing sobriety. Whether you’ve just started reaching anniversary milestones in your journey to sobriety or you’ve been living clean for several years, it’s a good idea to celebrate these special days.